Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Experiencing some temporal difficulties

Tuesday started off quite early - as in it seems that some people were not keen on sleeping at all... Larsson and Kvarforth stayed up until five in the morning, which resulted in them not really being ready to waking up at nine.

However, the drum recordings of the third song proceeded well enough whilst the others were snoring, Witt doing an amazing job with Andy La Rocque, Peter and finally even Larsson supervising.

It took hours and countless wake up attempts before Niklas finally could join the others in the studio - and there was a slight feeling of disaster in the air when he heard that some parts of the song had been modified to an easier version of the original preproduction drums. After some extra work all was luckily modified back, and everybody got out of the studio unscathed, whilst the relieved Kvarforth again fell asleep on the studio sofa. He was then escorted to sleep in his own bed, where he happily wished the whole room a "happy birthday" with a totally confused expression on his face, and fell asleep - again. And no, none of us had a birthday on Tuesday...

Not everyone was feeling dead tired though, Peter dared the stormy weather by heading for a jog whilst I, the undersigned cooked some pork for everyone. After the food the atmosphere was relaxed enough, and we called it a night fairly early.

Tuesday's video blog will be up in a few hours, featuring outtakes from Larsson and Kvarforth's long night, some desperate wake up attempts of musicians and moments of sour faces from the studio session.

Until then, stay safe and watch this space!


  1. Might just be an impression, but Christian seems to be one of the few who can actually get close to Kvarforth without the fear of getting bitten.

    Happy birthday to you too, Niklas.

  2. Hehe !!! I just think that Niklas need a very good decompression this evening !!! It's going like that !!! Very good night to everybody in the band and oubviously Niklas and Christian for the next hangover tomorrow!!! Cheers friends... and hail !!!

  3. Very cool idea.Watching your favorite band in 'studio mode' is a nice treat.Will there be any guest musician e.t.c in this album?

  4. There will be guests on this album, but we are not revealing anything yet.. I think they will be visible in the blog when the time of visiting Sonic Train comes ;)


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